2016年5月31日 星期二

菲准总统大赞习近平 不料弄错头衔出糗 Electing a president with contempt for the law could damage the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte may prevent the Philippines from becoming an economic… ECON.ST 菲准总统大赞习近平 不料弄错头衔出糗Electing a president with contempt for the law could damage the Philippines. Rodrigo Duterte’s campaign...The Philippines: a Pivotal Election?

Ordinary Filipinos are sick of gun crime and violence. Can "the Punisher" keep them safe?
Rodrigo Duterte may prevent the Philippines from becoming an economic…


菲准总统大赞习近平 不料弄错头衔出糗


法新社報導,根據菲律賓教區負責任投票理事會(PPCRV)今天公布的數據,特立獨行的候選人杜特蒂(Rodrigo Duterte)應已贏得菲國總統大選。
centered on corruption and crime, which threaten many Filipinos daily. To them he seems a saviour

Rodrigo Duterte will probably be the next president of the Philippines

BBC World Service
Is the Philippines returning to strongmen leaders?
